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With 40% of global energy-related CO2 emissions coming from the power sector, the widespread deployment of low-carbon, zero-harm and affordable energy sources represents the only path for bringing emissions under control to meet world power demands. Primary Energy Sources (Energy Mix) must evolve towards Renewable Energies. Solar now represents around 1% of the Energy Mix. But growth will be exponential. Solar is now the world’s highest investment priority.
Although less than 2% of NZ's electricity comes from solar, this number is increasing. Solar generation is a very real and viable option for New Zealand given the climate and average number of annual sunshine hours.
To achieve viability for your photovoltaic power plant in keeping with your specific economic, social and environmental concerns requires a well-balanced energy and data cable infrastructure to guarantee low costs and optimal performance.
Private residential and smaller-scale projects are already widely in use, pioneering the way to a future where full-scale options are developed and sunshine power becomes a major contributor to embedded energy generation.

As an emerging source of electricity generation in NZ, solar farm development on a commercial scale can have it's challenges.
In some regions, availability of terrain for solar development is becoming more critical. Developing competitive solar farms on terrains can be challenging: the resource consent process can be lengthy, and installation costs can be high due to various criteria such steep slopes; drilled foundations can be expensive or even forbidden.
With space at a premium, some countries have decided to re-use and re-purpose land space to accommodate photovoltaic development. Typical sites may be former landfills, industrial wastelands, old quarries etc. but also hilly terrains or unstable grounds.
Success stories from NZ and around the world
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